With my luck, I'd loose the remote. Good idea though!
When I did a remodel on our family room a couple years ago, I rewired the outside light so it's double switched. One switch is inside, like it always was, and I put an outdoor switch right under the light by the door. We live in the county and if there is no moon, it's DARK! Being able to flip on the light is nice to be able to see the door knob to unlock the lock.
Not exactly the same as your idea, but it works for us. We just don't have "stranger danger" where I live. Maybe a crazy feral cat, or the neighbor's big old slobbery dog may greet us in the dark, but when the coyotes are howling, it's nice to flip on that light ... from the inside or the outside.
I need to do the same for the second door in the hosue. But I'm not ready to remodel that room yet.
Nice idea there, but keeping track of that remote would be my problem.
We even have a dusk-to-dawn light on a switch. In the 8 years we've lived in this house, I've never left it on over night! We love the dark! Do you know, if you DON'T have any external lighting, your eyes adjust to the dark, and actually, you can see quite well in the dark! But, let one light turn on somewhere, and you can't then.