Forum Discussion

TravelinTess's avatar
Aug 02, 2014

satellite dish and receiver

Hi....a newbie here. I want to purchase a portable satellite antenna and receiver for my new to me Winnie Sightseer. Looking at the Tailgater system as well as a Winegard. Have seen mixed reviews of each; not sure which to buy. Hoping can get some advice here. I am full time in my RV....and have never had a dish system previously.

  • We had a standard dish and good tripod for years, worked well, occasionally a PIA to get it aligned.

    That said, we put on a Winegard Trav'ler in 2012 and we love it. Once or twice we hit a spot where it was blocked by trees so I was still carrying the portable dish. Stopped carrying that two years ago. Push one button and the dish picks up all three satellites.
  • For the dollar I prefer a regular dish and a heavy duty tripod. Standard off the shelf parts you can get from your satellite provider VS propitiatory stuff that you cannot get anywhere except the mfg.