What we did back in the day was bring along our own SAT RCVRS from the Home DIRECTV account along with a two port SAT DISH setup. Then we would run two RG cables from the two port head with one going to the living room area and the other to the Bedroom area. There it feed the SAT ANT input to the SAT RCVRs.
Then we would use the VIDEO OUTPUTs to feed the trailer TVs... This way we could use the Trailer TVs to view SAT TV, CABLE TV, and OTA TV using the TV remote.
Of course when watching SAT TV we had to use a separate REMOTE to change channels on the SAT RCVRS..
Worked out great but the SAT TV was the standard TV signals only and when the NATL BROADCAST came out with their full blown Digital HDTV signals we just stopped bring along the SAT items... HDTV from the OTA local towns is much better to watch when camping...
Todays modern SAT TV hookups are much better than in the past but also very expensive...
Roy Ken