The problem is that the OTA and SAT DISH units both require DC Control voltages to be inserted on the same RG cable that is receiving the TV Signals.
The CABLE TV connection does not require the DC Control voltage.
What works best for the cable TV connections for multiple TV sets will not work at all for passing the required DC Control voltages for the SAT and OTA TV setups...
This creates the nitemare of having a system setup to accommodate the different system requirements... One size fits all doesn't exist here...
The high end models probably have this all figured out but I bet it comes in expensive haha...
For us the simple thing to do was leave all of the OEM wiring as is that works well for the CABLE and OTA setup and then just run in our own SAT TV signals using its own RG cable hookups. It is very easy to add SAt CONNECTORs in an outside box next to the OEM connections or do like most of us do and run the RG cables into the trailer through the storage doors or windows.
Using the multiple different input channels on the trailer TV sets allowed us to switch between SAT-CABLE-OTA with ease and have all three worlds using the TV remotes...
Installing your own expensive SAT TV setup including the connections allows it work the way you want them to work...
Roy Ken