I have a rube goldburg system with two DVR's (NOT "Sat" or "Cable" but old stand alone analog DVR's I can pick Park Cable. OTA or Sat (if I hook up a sat receiver) UNDER DVR control and the DVR will choose the input automatically.. But as I said it's a Rube Goldburg system
Now.. Here is the issue.
Most RV's come with a wall plate. this has two choices and 4 antenna connectors
The connectors are (TV-1 (Front exposed connector)
And on the back with the cables runndin DOWN and the 12 volt outlet at the top. readign from LEFT to RIGHT. ANT (To Roof) CABLE and TV-2
Many times when installing a Sat Receriver thery unhook the park cable cable and use it for the sat antenna.> THIS IS NOT A GOOD THING
How I"d do it.. Restore factory wiring so you can use OTA (Rooftop antann) or Park cable. by turning the wall plate on (OTA) or off (Cable).
Run a brand new RG-6 line from a handy point (On my class A it's the brake bell crank bracket under the hood) to the Sat Receiver direct.. NO anything but cable and a grounding block at the mounting point.
And HDMI to the TV