This is an easy project however, if you have never soldered on a PCB circuit board you can damage the board.
You really need to test the fuse as stated above these type fuses do not blow for no reason.
This is a ceramic time delay fuse T=time delay 3.15 is the amp rating and 250vac can be safely applied before arcing over. Replace with a ceramic fuse as a glass fuse can explode in this environment.
To remove & replace the fuse from the bottom of the board.
1. Use a LOW wattage pencil type soldering iron less than 50W.
2. Use a solder sucker or solder wick to remove the old solder and clear the holes for the new fuse.
3. Insert the new fuse and re-solder best is 60/40 but I don't think you can even buy it anymore. Do not hold the iron on the board any longer than necessary.
All the above is available at Radio Shack at a reasonable price.