Roadlover wrote:
I have a Verizon Jet Pack we use for our laptop but in recent months, the data usage has gone nuts. We also have three iPhones on the account but we have been forced monthly increase data plans to the point we are now on a 18gb plan. The problem is not the phones but the laptop. It has gotten to the point, we can no longer use the laptop because it uses about 1gb per half hour and this is only using web surfing and emails. No videos. Any suggestions? Thanks
something is strange. I have a hard time using 1GB/month when we travel for email, web surfing etc. In fact HD TV uses between 1 and 2 GB/Hr and that's one of the most data intensive things you can do.
Even when we watch netflix on the road we usually stay under 6GB/month pretty easily by using the "medium" quality setting on netflix.
and I use a Verizon 4G jetpack for our on the road internet and contrary to some others it hasn't been an issue. Unless I watch some videos, I'm hard pressed even with 4GLTE on all the time to get to 2 GB/month. I really haven't seen any data use increase in our applications between 3G and 4G UNLESS we use 4GLTE for video. For other stuff 4gLTE is faster, but no higher data useage.