chuckbear wrote:
Just because Cricket use AT&T networks, does not mean you get the same service as AT&T.From the article I posted in the previous thread, "AT&T caps Cricket download speeds at a lower-than-average 8Mbps." This is just one example of how the underlying provider puts restrictions on the carriers, even on their own network. So you need to compare apples to apples. Chuck
8mbs is plenty for HD streaming so the bandwidth cap means nothing in the scheme of things. Sling uses around 3.6mbs for most HD channels and Vue which has higher quality uses just over 5mbs for their best picture. Netflix for HD is around the same as vue.
In fact if you do a large file download (not a speed test) on AT&T post paid you'll notice that your speeds will drop down to that or lower after a few minutes or so. So while speed tests will show some big number they only do so because they receive preference. In reality your actual usage speed is far lower than those speed test numbers and around what you see on cricket regardless.
Not having VOLTE isn't a big deal most of you wouldn't know what that was or if you were using it anyway.
In addition to that, there is no data useage limit so when you get cut off by Tmobile or Verizon for using 25gb or so (about 20 hours of hd streaming) you can enjoy edge like speeds where as I'd still be streaming HD video.