TNGW1500SE wrote:
One of my PC's Automatically installed Windows 10. If you don't want this to happen to you, click the start button and type "windows update" go into the settings and turn automatic updates off. If it does happen to you and you want 7 back, click the start button and then type "restore". It can be brought back to 7 but you may have to reinstall some programs.
MS wasn't "happy" with the W10 free "upgrades" acceptance so they changed how the upgrade to W10 update works from "optional" to IMPORTANT..
Before the change you would avoid it by only accepting IMPORTANT updates..
But now you must either completely disable automatic updates OR at least set it to CHECK for updates ONLY and select and READ EACH UPDATE..
Blindly accepting all automatic updates is a fool hardy thing to do in the first place..
Do like the smart folks do, disable then manually go to MS Update website and get only the IMPORTANT updates.
To MS's credit, they DID put out a bulletin alerting folks that this was changing.. So it shouldn't really be much of a surprise.