As "westernrvparkowner" stated it is frustrating for the park owners to invest more and more money in providing 'free" WiFi only to have the bandwidth hogs slow down the system creating constant complaints from other campers.
I know of one park where the provider threatened to cut off service because someone in the park was downloading bootleg movies! In an attempt to placate the provider they required all devices signing onto the system to be registered, with a limit of two devices per space.
Think about the loads we are thoughtlessly putting on park WiFi - Netflix, FaceTime, etc. Just between the two of us my wife and I have 8 WiFi enabled devices! Laptops, iPhones, iPads, Kindles.
Those of us who use park WiFi need to have some courtesy and take some responsibility and stop hogging bandwidth. As others have noted, if you want a lot of access set up your own. Leave the park WiFi to the occasional e-mailer.