Our phone company (Telus) has recently been having major issues with their in-house security program that is available to their customers. Can't find out much about except they apparently changed who they use to do to prvide it along with helping customers on-line with any computer problems. After having them check our computers multiple times in the past week or two, we are now using Avast. I think we were running some or all of our computers without security at times and without knowing it. It wasn't until DW got really p'od and told them to fix it or else that they finally checked everything in detail and assigned new passwords yesterday.
It wasn't until we had the extender installed that we started getting notices about suspicious downloads. Maybe along with their security service issues that allowed a neighbor to hack into us?
Yeah, I doubt anyone would hack into us at a CG but just wondered if it's possible and if we should ever take any precautions.
2oldman wrote:
myredracer wrote:
Can this happen in a CG if you set up your own local hotspot? I have no idea what's involved in hacking into someone's wifi.
Some folks on here will tell you it's easy, given the right equipment and skills. Playing classical piano is 'easy' too if you work hard at it.
It's possible, but highly unlikely anyone is going to campgrounds to hack RVers. And, your post is the first I've ever read on here of anyone actually being hacked.
You're sure your network was password-protected when this happened?