Mountain Mama wrote:
rk911 wrote:
there may be the odd website that is configured for IE and which may not look or work right using Chrome but beyond that you shouldn't have any issues...browser wise. but the issue just isn't the's the OS. just be sure you have a robust A/V, anti-malware suite and keep the signature file up to date. of course, you should be doing that anyway.
Showing my ignorance here....what is a signature file??
no worries.
anti-virus/anti-spyware/anti-malware programs identify those threats by the signature they leave in your OS, browser or in an HTML encoded e-mail. think of it as a "fingerprint". as the software scans your browser pages, e-mail, etc. it looks for these "fingerprints" or signatures. none of these programs can detect what they can't identify. if the signature file does not contain the signature of the 'oh my God we're all gonna die in our beds' virus then it won't be detected.
I don't know of any A/V,A/S,A/M software that doesn't include the ability to keep it's associated signature file up-to-date. and that function can usually be automated. I have my software to automatically check for signature updates daily, usually after midnight. downloading a signature file is very quick and doesn't consume much data.