Yeah, I'm the guy that started the nickle thread. We've been able to get DirecTV on the Trav'ler in Valdez and as far north as Glennallen as long as we can see the necessary satellites around the mountains. With a nickel in the antenna/LNB arm pinch point, we use a separate power switch to the Trav'ler controller to cut power when the antenna starts to ID the individual satellites. If it does not see all satellites the antenna will continue to search and cycle, so you need to cut it off when you get the satellites you can see. Going to a manual search to only see 101 works too. The Trav'ler will only tune to about 18 degrees above the horizon and even in Valdez the birds are 12 or so degrees, so the nickle is needed to allow the dish to get that low. We've use that trick with 2 Allegro Buses, and 3 separate trips up, so it's repeatable and not just a quirk that only worked once.