It would be very nice if Winegard could replace their current amplifier with an adjustable one that would at least get maximum gain to 15 DBS.
I find that I could keep most of my extra channels on the 100 mile range by tuning gain back to 13 to 15 DBS.
The Razor Air has two bolts to connect to the short mast. On the original longer mast it is necessary to drill an extra hole. Their directions incorrectly list the need of a 9/16th inch drill bit. Hard to find one. I used a 1/2 inch drill bit which ended up the correct size. I expected wiggle the bit for a larger hole but it was not necessary.
I suspect the owner of the one you saw flapping was only installed with one bolt. One bolt can loosen from wind buffeting on a windy day. A second bolt eliminates either bolt from being loosened that way. An option they listed but did not recommend. Also; having the mast slightly lowered from straight vertical (5 to 10 degrees) gets rid of the slight looseness of the shaft when rotated.
Mine seems quit stable on windy day.