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dcmac214's avatar
Mar 18, 2014

? Sewer Slinky Questions

Time to buy replacement slinky. How much do I really need?

5er came with ~25' super-cheap slinky - waaay more length than needed for the places we've been so far. Don't think we've ever been 10' from sewer hole. BUT don't ever want to be a foot or two short...

If I get several short sections, is there ever a problem with 'stuff' getting caught at the juction fittings?

Are the different brands compatible with each other - do the fittings of Brands X, Y and Z work with each other? (Whatever I end up buying now will be all same brand, but there's no telling what I may have to add on in the future.)
  • I have found that 25ft is too long and that 10ft may be too short at times.
    So I went with the RHINO at 15ft, it seems to work out very well.

    Then I went with one of These just to be safe and had no problem every where I went. I also added a Clear elbow so I can see when I'm finished.
  • My 2-cents...We carry a primary of 25 feet. Spare of 3 10' lengths; one has never been out of the wrappings. This has allowed us to connect with shortest required length for a number of years. We also replace primary hose about every 5-7 years before any accidents...the sun does break down the plastic. Also, keeping hose off ground increases the life of the hose. We've had the same threaded connectors for over 10 years - they still work well.
    Happy camping,
  • bukhrn's avatar
    Explorer III
    I carry a 10' and a 20', have used both on separate occasions, but so far haven't had to use both together. (Yet)
  • Hi,

    I think 15 feet is much more versatile than 10 feet, particularly in cold weather.
  • I've carried and used all 60' (in multiple sizes) at some of the places that I've been to. BUT- I have a 42' camper and 2 sewer connections. There's no one right answer.

    Otherwise, it seems that the bayonet fittings are pretty standard.
  • Hold on to the cheap slinky and invest in a RhinoFlex as well! I think RhinoFlex is on sale this week at WalMark!

  • We carry about 24'total in three sections. We've been all over the US and there are some place that make you wonder where their heads are at. In Yuma we needed it all as the sewer was 6' from the rear of the TT and over some. In Oregon the people at a casino their had is at the rear and at the street used it all there.
    By the good stuff and get one of those set of legs for it I also start with a clear 90 so I can tell when as is done.
  • Our 15' rhino hose has done the job with few exceptions, but we have an additional length of rhino hose that we have used a time or two. No issues with leaks or accumulations at the junctions and the fittings fit well as they are the same brand.
  • Most of the places I go I can reach with a 10 foot section. That said, in January, we had a site at a campground we frequent and the connection was all the way at the rear. I had an extra 10 that I always keep but had to go buy another 10 foot section to reach. Now the extra ten I carry as well for 30 foot total.
    The joints lock together so nothing gets "stuck" there. When you buy, pay attention to the ends but I think most are universal (???)