Jun 08, 2015Explorer
23 minute dump time?
So we're new to this, and have only been out a half-dozen times. Yesterday at the dump station, the fella in front of us took 23 minutes.
Since I'm done in under 5 minutes, I got to wondering. Is that atypical? Did I just happen to find the spot behind a guy with a 1/8" dump pipe?
I'm not sure how much was real dump time either.
He seemed to enjoy walking away to the other side of the trailer and staring off at the mountains. Yeah, they were especially pretty that morning, but still...
Since I'm done in under 5 minutes, I got to wondering. Is that atypical? Did I just happen to find the spot behind a guy with a 1/8" dump pipe?
I'm not sure how much was real dump time either.
He seemed to enjoy walking away to the other side of the trailer and staring off at the mountains. Yeah, they were especially pretty that morning, but still...