Tom/Barb wrote:
naturist wrote:
Gasoline burns hotter in a diesel engine than diesel fuel does because instead of a controlled slow burn, it explodes suddenly. This is because the mixture of gas and diesel does not ignite instantly, but builds up briefly before the diesel part catches fire, thus setting off the gas part. If you fueled it with pure gas, it would never fire, but the mixture does ignite, and then the gas part explodes. The sudden release of energy in a very short amount of time, especially when first injected as the piston is still coming up in compression, results in a momentary extra hot flame that can result in damage to the engine.
It is true that diesel fuel contains about 10% more energy per volume of fuel than does gasoline. But the difference between an explosion and a slow burn more than overcomes that small difference.
The EGT indicator on my aircraft says the hottest I can get is 1600 + degrees, running 100LL at wide open throttle, The Pyrometer on my diesel boat says it runs at 2300 degrees wide open.
what you are suggesting is the the gas in this mix will detonate prior to the diesel burning. With a mix this diesel rich I do not believe your theory, simply because this mixture 85to9 gallons simply will not lower the centane numbers any significant amount.
Hey- I don't suppose you'd like to lay out about 5 or 10 key points that would address this issue.
In some ways- it's not valid to compare a lightweight gas, air-cooled airplane engine to a big, heavy, water-cooled diesel...With differences in compression and mixture and on and on and on...(and I read your qualifications).
I guess the question is what damage would running too much gas cause (I'm thinking it's mostly a fuel pump lubrication issue).
The other subtlety is that the gas fuel will be injected directly into the cylinder and to some extent, burns as it is injected (just like the diesel burns as it's injected)...well, maybe the gas burns "faster"....but in both cases, you have fuel meeting hot, 20% oxygen as it's being injected....
This is not an attack on what you are saying, but a friendly jab to say- come on, you know the about enlightening us :-)
(Yeah, "call the mfg" is the correct answer- but I think you have some other stuff to tell us besides "that amount of gas won't have any significant effect".