There are lots of unisex bathrooms and showers in the US, in anything from KOAs to government run campgrounds. You have to look out for single occupancy "family" type facilities with door to the outside. There are so many you just need to call ahead and confirm this on case by case basis. May be not mention unisex just ask for the above family type bathrooms where entrance is straight from the outside. Use photos in online reviews to scope out bathroom situation too. With forest service and blm campgrounds, its mostly going to be pit toilets, which are all single occupancy and often dont have M/F parts, if you use either no one cares. If you learn how to clean up the old way you only need a real shower once in 2-3 weeks...and then, truck stop showers are almost always unisex, just like many other paid showers in marinas, laundromats, etc. If you cant clean up inside your rig, you need to get pop up shower tent to decouple from shower dependency, plus a garden sprayer or a bucket with a mug and wash cloth. But seems like you have a shower and if you are not using it for storage a folding bucket setup will get you through 3 weeks without a paid shower easy.