Particularly if coming from a high tax state make sure to cut off as much as possible, your links to your prior state. If you have doctors, bank and other links still in the prior state or you spend a lot of time in your prior state, they may decide you didn't really relocate and will send you a tax bill and it's effectively guilty until proven innocent.
5) Never seen a unisex bathhouse in N. America. On rare occasions, we have found bathroom suites. A row of rooms each with toilet, sink and shower. You also do occasionally see the showers accessed from outside doors with 1 door per shower. Never been much of a concern for us so no idea how to search them out.
7) I won't go so far as to say it's impossible but remote work really works best if you have a skill set and contacts and you just transfer your work from in person to remote. If you are willing to stay in a location for an extended period of time, you can do work camping (usually free campsite in exchange for some work around the campground). Doesn't typically pay well but if you need it to make full timing work....