there's quite a bit of misinformation about hybrids here. that's why i suggested you go to the Hybrid section here.
"I also was going to get a hybrid - don't know why, just liked them. But while shopping during the summer, I noticed a huge increase in the temps inside hybrids compared to fully enclosed. My inlaws have one and their AC runs constantly."
most hybrid owners use PopupGizmos or the generic version of solar blankets, on top of the canvas ends. this dramatically helps keep the tent ends cool in summer or warm in colder weather.
nearly all who use these and Reflectix in the tent windows, report of positive temp control results.
"Hybrids are another subject. One question - do you want to camp in bear country / the mountains? Some places require hard sided camper units only - no popups/ hybrids. Do your research."
this is one the most common misinformed statements. only ONE campground that i've been able to read about, has a permanent ban on soft-sided campers. that is Fishing Bridge CG in Yellowstone. all the other major campgrounds in the park, allow for soft-sided campers.
because of this one campground, many report that you can't camp in Yellowstone with a soft-sided camper. i've asked many times when statements like these are made. only one time did someone post another campground and its ban was NOT a permanent one.
also, a unique feature of hybrids is the ability to "turtle", meaning not putting the canvas ends out and sleeping on the dinette or sofa.
by doing this, hybrid owners CAN camp at Fishing Bridge.
we've camped many times in our popups and our hybrid, in many National Parks, including Yosemite, Glacier and Yellowstone and never were told we couldn't camp in any of their campgrounds.
here's the quote from NPS's website about camping in Yellowstone. notice that this is the only Yellowstone campground that has such a statement about soft-sided campers:
"Fishing Bridge RV Park is the only campground offering water, sewer, and electrical hookups-50 amp service; it is for hard-sided vehicles only (no tents or tent-trailers are allowed).."