Thank you to everyone who has already replied...I'm hearing a lot of what I suspected (and some of what my wife has already told me), and I appreciate all the input.
I did want to clarify a couple of things based on the responses:
-I'm a medical helicopter pilot, so when I'm working, it's 12 hour shifts (much like a fireman) and it's all local, so I'd still be close by and home every day (or night) during the work week, and we could even park the MH close by to work.
-Renting the house would be the preferred option over selling. We would really only be looking at a year and would like to come back to the same area when we're done.
-As much as I'd like to have something that we could use for weekend/holiday trips, the reality is that if we stay in the house, then my wife will continue to work, and my weeks off are spent piddling around the house, and now, taking care of the baby. If we chose to rent the house and live on the road, we would be single income and that would allow us to make use of the week off every other week.
-As far as renting something to see how we like spending extended time in a MH, we have lived together on a 70ft motorboat with 2-4 other people (and a dog) for at least a week, sometimes 2, every year since we've met, so the idea of being confined to small living quarters and maintaining a fully self sufficient home is not completely foreign to us.
-Admittedly, 30k+ miles a year is a bit of an overestimate. I got that total by picking the "dream" destinations, when in reality, we'd most likely choose more realistic destinations that don't require such a long travel time and subsequent high fuel costs, regardless of the MH's MPG.
-I realize as I'm typing out this response that I'm answering a lot of my own questions...but the input has been very much appreciated.
I guess a lot of this comes down to the fact that we've really enjoyed the past couple of months that my wife has been on maternity leave, but realistically she will have to go back to work in order for us to stay where we are, so the thought of packing it up for a year and spending more time together, doing more of the things we enjoy (hiking, mostly), in places we'd like to spend more time in (not Dallas in July, August, and September) just sounds nice.
I'm going to keep crunching numbers and window shopping, and I'm still open to advice from those of you who have some more experience in these matters,
Thanks again,