Not sure how I would sway on your questions and I've never done anything like what you are proposing. But there was one thing that caught my eye.
You mentioned multiple friends and family for your wife to hang out with and that gave me pause. It seems that if you sell the house you won't be able to park in the same neighborhood or possibly even close to it on the days you are at work. If that's the case your wife might start to ind it hard, or harder to go out on play dates or whatever.
Now that I think about it the outcome is the same if you rent the house. You are still stuck living outside the neighborhood. I'm not sure about your experiences, but in my life I've noticed that when people move out of neighborhoods they rapidly become distant friends that you only see on rare occasions.
The last thing I would say is I would never sell my main house and move into an RV, even for a year, unless I hated my neighborhood or just couldn't afford the mortgage.
Have you considered the possibility of renting a large motorhome once or twice a month for 7 days? I'll bet you would get the same enjoyment, have no maintenance or storage fees, and be many dollars ahead of your original plan at the end of the year.