Forum Discussion

rpmteacher's avatar
Jan 07, 2014

buying advice for family of 5 plus grandma

Greetings and thanks for reading. I appreciate your patience with another noobie.

Grandma is moving from the east coast to the west coast this summer to be closer to grandkids. She doesn't fly and Amtrak is $$$.

We are thinking of driving east, picking her up by RV and then returning west. My wife and I are teachers so we have the time - money, not so much.

What's our best bet? We would do best with a smaller vehicle (B or C?) that can accommodate three adults and three kids and are open to some of us tent camping alongside the RV. A used RV is the best bet but I would appreciate any other buying/manufacturer advice that you can offer.

Thanks, RM
  • Tvov's avatar
    Explorer II
    Are you talking about taking a couple months long camping trip around the USA while picking up Grandma? Or just transporting her back to home?

    For a months long trip with that many people, a large Class C would work. A big TT would be better, a Class A motorhome with towed vehicle would be great.
  • craig7h wrote:
    Do not know the age of your kids, I would however think it cheaper and greater piece of mind to fly the kids to grandmas put all three on the greatest train adventure they will every have. I know mine went with their grandparentes from Wi to Ca years ago and loved every minute of the ride. By the time you all fly east pick up and rv
    (large class c)and figure all the expenses you will be way over an amtrax cost
    I agree - were you contemplating an RV purchase before Grandma decided to move? Will you continue to use it? Have yopu compared the prices of buying used vs. the cost of the train? I can't see making this purchase for the sole reason of transporting one person on time.
  • Do not know the age of your kids, I would however think it cheaper and greater piece of mind to fly the kids to grandmas put all three on the greatest train adventure they will every have. I know mine went with their grandparentes from Wi to Ca years ago and loved every minute of the ride. By the time you all fly east pick up and rv
    (large class c)and figure all the expenses you will be way over an amtrax cost
  • class B will be wayyy too small for all those people.
    even a class C will be tight with 6 people in there.

    don't see how buying or even renting a motorhome and driving east and back, is cheaper than just riding the train.:h
  • are you sure that the cost of driving back east is cheaper than amtrak??