timmac wrote:
njtony wrote:
Just had a long conversation with capital one about my permanent home address. They said I cannot use UPS store as my address. If I did not provide them with a building address they were going to cancel my credit cards. So I gave them the address of campground I am currently staying at. Anyone else have this problem?
With Capital One sloppy handling of your private info why than keep the card..
Plenty of other banks that will offer with a P.O. box address..
Mailing address? Sure. Physical address, no way. You cannot open an account in any US chartered bank and have a physical address as a PO box. It's against OCC regulations and fines are in the neighborhood of $200k per instance. There was a nationwide OCC consent order back in 2013 that mandated this. But most banks are still dealing with legacy populations and that takes time. But they can send your statements anywhere you like (within reason).