luberhill, based on my experience winter camping can be delightful and rewarding on several levels.
Your question has generated a lot of supportive and relevant information, but I noticed a couple posts on this thread that were not directly helpful and hope that won't dissuade you from giving it a try.
After all, the only way to become experienced and seasoned at winter camping is to get out there and do it, and it seems to me that by asking questions here on this Beginning RVing forum, which is exactly what it's for, you already are trying to learn more about how your RV works.
Clearly you live in an area with prolonged freezing temperatures so just use what you already know about living below freezing, add in a little extra knowledge, (Such as that gained from throwing out specific questions to this community) throw in some common sense and take baby steps, such as starting with a weekend trip early in the season with freezing nights but above freezing days.
I did my learning about winter RVing before the days of forums such as this and definitely made some mistakes along the way. It was a little uncomfortable at times but I picked myself up, dusted myself off, (looked around to make sure nobody saw me make a fool of myself) and went on, knowing how 'not' to do at least one more thing. . .