Apachefog wrote:
Thanks westend its the 120v breaker that blows, I see no control to change that.... Can't find the converter or inverter what ever its called. Maybe back to the tent thing.... lol
Is the circuit breaker that is tripping inside the RV or is it on a pedestal/at your house/exterior to the RV?
If it is exterior to the RV, there is little chance that it is a malfunctioning converter that is causing the trip. A shorted converter would trip an individual circuit breaker in the RV's load center and the rest of your 120V devices would remain powered.
From the events as explained, the most likely cause is a failed transfer switch. Either the contactors inside the switch are shorted to each other or a wire has parted and is shorted to ground. The solution would be the same in most cases, replacing the transfer switch. An inspection by someone familiar with transfer switches and electrical systems would be the best course of action, IMO.