Yep while on the phone my Insurance asked if I contacted the police I said no I had just gotten off the phone with the Trucking Comp. He didn't recommend or further insist I call the police.
Hard lesson learned !!
Years ago I was parked in a restaurant parking lot in my Red/White GMC Jimmy . Someone in a MH decided to cut through the parking spaces (instead of going to the end of the lane and come back up . Side swiping my Jimmy I looked around saw the MH walked over to it there was red paint on the side corner and bumper of it . I went inside and asked who owned the MH a guy yelled out he did .
I asked him to come out outside so I could show him what he did. He refused , so I called the police , they showed up looked it over and said nothing he could do they didn't witness it. But did get the guy to come out , we exchanged Insurance info in front of the police officer...
Things like that stick in your mind. That was my bad I should have called the police or found out where the nearest police station was along I75 in Georgia...
I know this tho for sure before I head out again I'll have a Dash Cam and a rear view Cam...