DrewE wrote:
What are the expected uses for this RV? You mention daily driving; for many people, even a class B (van conversion) motorhome would not make the best daily driver, though certainly better than a large motorhome. How much time do you anticipate camping, and in what sort of weather (i.e. cold, cool, hot....)? Will you be camping away from hookups for more than a night or two? Will you be taking longer trips, or weekends mainly? How much privacy do you need from each other? How tall are you and your son...and how quickly is he growing?
Very generally speaking, a larger RV will probably be more suitable for longer trips and longer times without hookups as it will have more storage room for essentials and larger tanks for water, propane, and so forth. There is a lot of variation here, of course, and people do take long trips in small RVs all the time, so it's not a complete hard-and-fast rule.
A pickup camper might be another option to look into, besides a van. They all have their advantages and disadvantages.
Good questions. Mosy have come across my mind..
Seems in the last year or so most of my relatives have moved to other parts of the country and I still wanna go and visit them amd so the kids get to know them with a visit of more than just a day or 2 here and there.... so mostly it's travel and camping along the way.
I have a unique privilege of being able to work remotely a lot also.
Temperatures are gonna vary I'm in the Midwest Saint Louis now ...family in Seattle Tucsan Florida as well as East Coast.
Being as it's Winter here and I still wanna use it ...so I have a quandary in my head of how to deal with winterization or not to winterize yet how to handle cold weather when I'm not using it every day yet temps are below freezing.
He is 8 and growing tallest in his class... I am 6 ft.
This unit has separate small beds which is ideal... not very many are built with that arrangement.
When he leaves the nest or even before we might be hitting the full time RV life.. and so size is nice fir that at 29ft.
Thank you for making me think...thats what I need.
I go look at Saturday. Its located 5 hrs away..
Time to downsize and minimalize.