Forum Discussion

er78mph's avatar
Jun 15, 2016

Drilling a hole to run battery wires

Hello and thanks all in advance!

I am in the process of permanently moving my batteries to a box on the tongue but don't know where to run the battery wires? I was just thinking of drilling a hole through the floor of the battery compartment and running the cables that way? Could I run the wires along side the propane tank lines? Probably not? Thanks for sharing your wisdom and look forward to hearing from everyone!
  • tvman44 wrote:
    Just use the shortest cables possible & protect them from abrasion.
    PS & large enough.

    X2 on the "large enough" The trailer probably has the smallest, barely adequate size cable to begin with. Longer cable of the same gauge may not be heavy enough. I would think about having cables made up by a shop, rather than making them myself.
  • Sam Spade wrote:
    er78mph wrote:

    I am in the process of permanently moving my batteries to a box on the tongue but don't know where to run the battery wires?

    OK I gotta ask:
    Where are they now and why are you moving them ??
    I can't imagine a reason that would convince me that is a good idea.

    I can't think of a trailer that doesn't have it on the tongue to begin with, that is pretty much the default place to find them on any trailer I have ever seen.

    Like everyone's said though, should be no problems as long as wires are protected from chafing and are large enough to carry your loads (and a size bigger for good measure ;) ).
  • er78mph wrote:

    I am in the process of permanently moving my batteries to a box on the tongue but don't know where to run the battery wires?

    OK I gotta ask:
    Where are they now and why are you moving them ??
    I can't imagine a reason that would convince me that is a good idea.
  • Just use the shortest cables possible & protect them from abrasion.
    PS & large enough.
  • Just secure the wires so they cannot chafe and alternatively, since rubber grommets don't typically work on thicker material like plywood, can either slide on or split and wrap some rubber hose or plastic wire loom around the cables at the points where it will rub and zip tie it tight.
  • I don't believe you should run battery lines through the propane compartment. I would find an alternate route. I would also buy some rubber grommets from the local auto parts store to cover any sharp edges.
  • The wires are safe to run wherever you can, as long as you protect them from abrasion. Most trailers have the batteries behind the propane tank(s). Not an issue unless you open the valve and start playing with the battery cables.....even then, it would be difficult to cause an explosion. I would pick the shortest path and then secure them well.
  • er78mph wrote:
    Could I run the wires along side the propane tank lines?
    I don't see why not.