paulsang wrote:
I never did quite understand why people bring their dogs to Home Depot? I saw a little kid get snapped at by a yorkie as he went to pet it. The owner yelled at thekid 'hey, be careful, he bites'...? Why on God's green earth would you bring your pet that bites to a place like that...?? If I were the father of that kid, there would have been one less yorkie in the world. managers can ask for proof of service for any animal declared so. Many just don't for being afraid of offending someone, and risking an 800 call. There are many reputable service training companies out there looking for people to help train dogs for service.
As usual a post designed to turn into your typical dog plundering threads. Can the original poster really get that jacked up over people walking their dogs? Is it really that perplexing of a thought? Yet all the dog haters use this as a avenue to carry on like they know every dog out there.
As to this previous post, you resort to killing a dog over something your kid should have been taught not to do. Maybe better supervision of your child could have prevented such a drastic measure on your part?