I created a camping list and printed a few copies so that it can be reviewed before leaving. Then after a trip or two I made the necessary deletions and additions.
If your spouse is going to help you back into a campsite always get out and check it yourself. My wife always gives me directions I can't hear or gives me hand signals where I can't see her. It's always good to get into the site without any bumps or bruises or hurt feelings. (In fact, watching someone else get into a campsite can be a sick form of entertainment.)
If you put your awning out pay attention to potential weather changes that might create windy conditions. Replacing the awning can be costly. Put it up if your leaving and conditions could change or use tie downs if necessary.
Before leaving the campground check your trailer carefully to make sure everything on the interior is locked down and secured. If you use your TV antenna make sure it's down before leaving.