For your FW drain you may want to try posting the question on a Fleetwood forum. But it should be directly below your FW tank, and either a ball valve or cap on the end of the PVC. Probably have to get on your hands and knees to find it. Not sure if the low point drain will drain your FW, but it's worth a shot if you can't find the FW drain. As far as winterizing, for your black, grey and FW, if they are empty they won't burst from freezing. Bursting happens when the expansion from frozen water exceeds the area in which the water is trapped. An empty tank does not need antifreeze. Not sure why anyone would advise filling your tanks and adding antifreeze. Seems like a lot of wasted water and antifreeze for nothing. And you didn't ask but, you want to drain your water heater as well and use a bypass so you aren't filling that up with antifreeze. To drain your lines, use your low point drain and it's usually a good idea to blow the lines out with compressed air. Take special note to if there is any water in the line near the pump. Those small clear caps on the water pump screen are notorious for cracking when freezing occurs.