Gas or diesel, what do I NEED?
There is no one size fits all answer when it comes to choosing a tow vehicle.
First off how heavy is the towed vehicle? Do you need a 3/4 or one ton or do you have a half ton towable?
How often/far are you towing each trip?
Will the TV be used for other purposes that require the torque of a diesel?
Is the TV also going to be a daily driver with no load?
Take a serious look a your towing requirements first, then look at what you really need for a TV, based on the GVWR of the trailer and the towing capacity of the TV.
I know based on my own experience, if I would have done a proper assessment of my needs, I would not have chosen a diesel. I am now stuck with more truck than I really needed. To go back to a gasser now would cost me about $20K.
With the engine and transmission combinations being offered today there are choices in gassers that could be right for your towing needs.