You don't mention:
What year/brand/model of water heater
How long pilot flame will stay lit
How long main flame will stay lit
How much wind
Could be pilot flame orifice dirty
Could be pilot flame not positioned correctly
Could be thermocouple
Could be main flame orifice dirty
Could be main flame not aligned properly
Could be gas valve
Could be obstruction in combustion/exhaust 'U' tube
Check pilot flame....should be strong enough to just engulf thermocouple but not so high that it extends far beyond thermocouple
Check burner tube alignment....should be a straight path from gas control to burner---even if gas control/burner at installed at an angle
Check main flame---should be nice strong blue flame with tingles of yellow at tip. Adjust air shuttle open/close to get proper flame
Clean up the orifices (pilot & main).......alcohol
Clean thermocouple......emery cloth
Check that thermocouple is tight at connection to gas control
Clean out combustion chamber/exhaust chamber