Cuffs054 wrote:
Peg, love it! That is a well keep secrete. No my comment had to do with a class A owner trying to get parking at a new attraction up north and the problems he encountered. He even offered to pay for multiple spaces to help with the infirm and grandKs. One of the comments he got was he might deprive another family from parking. REALLY, I MEAN REALLY... (got to get the meds refilled soon)
That park apparently does not allow RVs in it's parking lot. Their park, their rules. There are other options to get into the park, as others posted in the thread that actually deals with that situation. If you drive around in a big class A rig (and I have one as big as they come) you have to realize it cannot go everywhere a car can go. Even if I think it will fit, the property owner has the final say. I don't know the reasoning behind every rule, policy or decision every business has made, but I respect their right to have made them and I will abide by them. If that inconveniences me, so be it. The world does not revolve around me (even though it probably should).