What you can do is go to a place like 1000 bulbs or an RV dealer.
What I have found buying LED's on the web.. Many claim to be the equal to the OEM incandescent lamps. SOME are. I have some that are COOL WHITE (I LIKE) some that are Warm White (you are more likely to like) Some that claim to be Cool White and are very cool (DIM and blue and basically useless)
Mine are a different base then yours so I do not have numbers
But look up the 921.. Buy one of the 921 equivlent but then buy some others in that class. Most of 'em have numbers in the same range (Buy LED qquivlents)
But buy like one of each of several. Find the one you like and go for ie
You can also shop RV stores. many carry ECO-Led's which are very good and very pricy Or Auto-Parts stores Many have a good assortment of LED's
if you happen past a CHROME SHOP (Bling for Semi's) may of 'em will have a display with assorted lights you can look at before you buy .