path1 wrote:
Or better yet - why not ask your military rep? They get paid to answer those kinds of questions. It doesn't matter one iota even if every person on this forum agrees with you. You need an official answer. You won't get it here.
X2 talk to you your TMO or whatever your branch calls it. Traffic Management Office. Probably got a civ worker there that has worked there many years and knows every in and out. And download reg and learn.
On Mil Camps, be sure to find out what gate to use and gate hours before showing up. Some bases have the "new" gates that they think you can turn on a dime.
Water is around 10 pounds a gallon, I would have weight out of RV as possible when empty weight and have as full as I could when weighing loaded weight.
Wonder if you could do the U-Haul thing pulling the RV? Also at 10-12 mpg doesn't pay to go out of your way with Famcamp prices at some bases.
Enjoy your trip.
Water weighs 8.44 lbs per gl.