Thank you for your feedback! I would love an Arctic Fox, but don't think I will be able to afford one. Any suggestions for similar but cheaper versions?
Also I will not be living in the RV, but only using it for a few days. So I don't need to be as warm myself.
I would like to be able to get by for say 3 days boondocking without my waterworks freezing and destroying the place.
I looked at a Palomino pop up today. Popup is good for so many reasons r/t better clearance, better MPG, better in wind. Only downside is much worse in winter. I talked to salesmen at 3 different dealerships who all thought that everything would stay warm enough with the heater running to keep water liquid. I did notice that the 22g tank is located in the pickup bed under the dinette seat - so it wouldn't be directly exposed to the outside. It's across the 'hall' from the heater.
I wonder if it would stay warm enough not to freeze as long as I heat the camper to 50 or so. Has a 20,000 btu propane heater. I also expect to use electric space heaters. The waste water tanks were under the shower so they may be more susceptible to cold. Is there an easy fix for that? Someone mentioned putting something in the wastewater tanks?
Anyone tried ski weekends in a pop up truck camper?