Forum Discussion

sharibartling's avatar
May 29, 2013

need some expert advise for newbies

My husband and I have decided to retire 12/31/13 We have a commitment to stay at our jobs (me local county, him Federal) until 12/31/13. Our plan is to work til 12/31/13 and go to NE where we have a home to live in when not traveling. The dilemma is this: we live in Fort Collins, CO, we own a home, houses are selling fast to the highest bidder here, we have a dog, and don't know what to do? Do we wait til January to put the home up for sale? then the market may fall in regard the home, do we put it up for sale in June and move into our motorhome in a KOA campground for the winter??? who can we ask what we need to do to stay here in the winter? We have a 40" Winnebago. My dog (German Shepherd) will be able to go to doggie daycare, that has been arranged if we need to do that.
hmmmmmm what to do?
  • I may have misread, but I think they said they live and work in Colorado now, and if they sell the house sooner than Dec 31, they will still be working and unable to move to the other house yet.
  • sharibartling wrote:
    My husband and I have decided to retire 12/31/13 We have a commitment to stay at our jobs (me local county, him Federal) until 12/31/13. Our plan is to work til 12/31/13 and

    go to NE where we have a home to live in when not traveling


    The dilemma is this: we live in Fort Collins, CO, we own a home, houses are selling fast to the highest bidder here, we have a dog, and don't know what to do?

    Do we wait til January to put the home up for sale? then the market may fall in regard the home, do we put it up for sale in June and move into our motorhome in a KOA campground for the winter??? who can we ask what we need to do to stay here in the winter?

    We have a 40" Winnebago. My dog (German Shepherd) will be able to go to doggie daycare, that has been arranged if we need to do that.
    hmmmmmm what to do?

    What I don't understand is if you have another home in NE what is the problem as to 'where' to go after you sell the CO house? :?

    As far as when to sell it? NOW! No one buys houses in winter especially around the holidays, you'd be sitting on that house until spring.
  • how i envey your chance to make this decision it will be years before can. I would sell while the market is hot.
  • We are in the same boat as you. We decided to put the house up for sale in September. Worst case (and best case) is that we sell immediately and have to live in the tt for three months. Average sale time around here is about 40 days, so we figure chances are it will be the middle of November before we have to move into the tt.

    One note - DH is working until after January 1, 2014. He will be getting a large payout of leave and to lessen the taxes owed, we want to take it in the next tax year instead of this one (it would move us up a tax bracket). It might be something to consider.
  • Sell the house now and move into the motorhome. Why wait until January with the weather and slower home sales? You stated you'll go to the northeast in January so you'll only be staying in the motorhome in about two months of winter - Nov/Dec. You'll be going through a lot of propane with heat and you might consider a catalytic propane heater that is much more efficient than the furnace. Buy silver foil insulation for your windows at Home Depot. Get a heavy down comforter for sleeping. Fill your water tank and run the water off that rather than trying to keep the outside hose thawed. Don't keep your dump valves open. In fact, it's best to store your sewer hose until you need to dump so it doesn't get brittle in freezing weather. Wait until your tanks are full to dump. It's very doable for a couple months. Good luck!

    P.S. Perhaps the moderator will move your post over to the Full-timers section where some experienced winter campers can help!