Forum Discussion

Snobrdr314's avatar
Feb 21, 2014

New to RVing, concerned with safe traveling

My Wife and I are new to the RV world. I used to camp in a waxed canvas tent throughout my childhood and then in the newer lightweight tents as an adult. Now that Im married with two small boys (4 year olds) we thin kthat it might be fun to own an RV and take off on weekends, school holidays and summers to go see America.

We've attended a few Rv shows and really like the Winnebago Ind. Sunstar 32k or 35b bunkhouse MH's. My main concern is safety. Are motorhomes safe to travel with such small children? I know they would love to be in the bunks while traveling, and I know that is NOT the safest way for them to travel in the MH while in motion. For the boys to be in car seats latched into a couch seatbelt seems like traveling would not be much better than in our 2011 Ford Explorer.

I guess I'm looking for comments from other parents, grandparents, and the community on how best to:
1. Choose a well constructed "safe" coach.

2. Travel safely with 2 small boys.

I welcome everyones opinions and comments as it would ease both our minds.
Thanks a bunch.
  • Our grandkids travel with us for their summer vacation. Seat belts are mandatory if you're in the front seat, otherwise they're optional. That said, it's up to me as the driver to determine if they should be belted in when underway. Road conditions and traffic help in that determination. Otherwise they're free to roam, use the bathroom, watch TV or fix a snack.

    For the overprotective bunch.... how many kids are belted in while riding the SCHOOL BUS...:h....City Bus..:h.....Tour Bus...:h....If you don't know, the answer is ZERO.....Dennis
  • wa8yxm's avatar
    Explorer III
    Many states REQUIRE children to be properly restrained when travelling, Now there is much discussion on this in motor homes.. My Class A has 4 seat belts, two are in the front facing captain's chairs and 2 in the side facing couch (Bench seat) where I'm sitting now. (parked) some people insist that child safety seats are not designed for side facing use.

    personal opinion: What about a side impact crash? Of course they are designed (Well good ones are designed) for side impact.

    I can move, safely, around a moving vehicle, provided nothing of an emergency nature happens. Lots and lots of training to do that (All at low speed, I was a farm boy after all).

    But most people.. Not without handrails to hold on to.. I would not want kids moving about in the motor home Heck, Even I prefer to have hand rails (Say if I am riding a city bus and moving to my seat as the driver pulls away from the bus stop).. City buses are free where I am at by the way.

    I would not want kids loose in the RV when in motion. Or anyone else less seriously needed.
  • If the MH you're interested in has a booth dinette then you could strap them in there and be safe.

    After doing a short internet search I've read that kids should not ride in a motorhome period, only strapped in a car seat in the front passenger chair, you need a customized setup where the seat and belts are bolted to the frame (not just plywood), never ever ever walk around in an RV in motion (especially the driver) and if you don't do all of this you are a bad parent, and the world will come to an end.

    Being the parent you will do what you think is safe (enough) for you and your family. IMO, they should be seated, belted.
  • RoyB's avatar
    Explorer II
    I don't think I would want to travel down the road with growups or kids wandering around the trailer when in motion.

    All the ones I have ever been in is alot of motion inside the trailers going down the roads...

    What you would gain however is where the safety belt seats are. They could watch in-motion TV or DVD's all day long straped in their seat belts...

    Roy Ken
  • I'm really confused about a topic where, on one hand you indicate that you are concerned about travelling safely, yet on the other you are even entertaining the thought of rolling down the road without them being strapped in.

    Seat belt laws exist for a reason... those reasons exist whether you are rolling in a car, your Explorer, or a motorhome. Also, keep in mind that there is much more bouncing around in a motorhome than your Explorer. Going around corners, even at a slower speed, in a 20000lb MH will also have them moving around.

    Not sure I can really say that there is one type/brand which is constructed more safely than another.
  • I am pretty sure that seat belt regulations, including car seats are the same in any RV. That means, if your child is in a car seat then the car seat would be mandatory in the RV.

    Remember....child car seats do have dates they expire!!!