Ralph Cramden wrote:
SoundGuy wrote:
Rookie RV wrote:
On the outside of the RV there is a Black Tank clean out, where you just screw a hose to it, turn on the water, and it cleans it out.
In theory yes, but I found the black tank flusher on our previous K-Z Spree still didn't flush the black tank clear of debris as well as putting a tank wand down the toilet throat and into the tank. It's also the only method that will clean the toilet throat as well. Our current Coachmen doesn't have a black tank flusher and I don't miss it at all.
It's more of a tank filler than a flusher. Prior to the mid 2000s you would be hard pressed to find that gadget installed from the factory. You would have to install it aftermarket. Now it's a cheap gizmo that generates oooohs and ahhs in the brochure which makes the naive think they received some sort of miracle cure all for the black tank. Jam a bore scope down the sheethole and watch how well it works. Most likely you'll see water just pour into the tank like fron the hose you hooked up to it. Then take into account most are installed on the outlet end of the tank streetside which if it actually sprayed with enough force to dislodge anything is against the natural flow direction of the tank. It is however good to use to fill the tank to soften a loogie you my have left in there for a couple weeks.
Now let me clarify. On the way home from our annual Memorial day 18 night trip, we were stuck in traffic for 2 hours on a two lane road descending the mountain when an unfortunate chap wrecked his Harley into a wall. Of course after about an hour yours truly had the urge come on, and in lieu of pooping my pants right there on the highway, it sure was nice to have the Rockwood sitting right there.
After a very enjoyable constitutional, and finally traffic being allowed to proceed, we made it home and I totally forgot about my creation deposited in the black tank until last Saturday. I hooked up the garden hose and pumped about 40 gallons in there to rehydrate that puppy for a few hours, then flushed him into the yard after the dilution.
The tank flush was perfect for that scenario other than the vacuum breaker deciding to flood the camper floor, which is discussed in another ongoing post.
I know, that's probably way more info than you wanted to read but it's my story and I'm sticking to it. So happy Independence day, now off to get another box of beer.
The moral of the story is almost anything is better than pooping your pants, especially on a public highway at 10AM Sunday morning.
Ahh... the rest of the story.