You have gotten lots of good advice. Don't be discouraged. What seems to be causing the most concern and costing the most $$$ is wanting room in the back for the kids to move around. Is this really worth $14,000 to rent/buy a motor home? Many of the National Parks and other sites are very crowded with limited RV parking. Breaking camp every time you need wheels is a pain. The motor home will use more gas and you will have to drive slower especially at first. Many have recommended pop ups and that would be a good option. If you just don't want to tow what about tenting. You already have one. For long trips they have many advantages for young families. I am a 75 year old woman and for long trips I still prefer my tent over my camping trailer. Yes, my friends/family think I am nuts. But I love to be outside plus I love a bargain. Your investment in tent camping gear is less than $300 so if the weather is bad or you just get tired you can go to a motel or stop at a cool guest ranch or rustic cabin. You rarely need reservations for tent sites and you don't have to worry about getting an RV into a tight place. On a long fun trip like yours you don't want to be locked into a time schedule. During the summer months reservations are required in most of the places you are interested in visiting. Out west there are many National Forest campgrounds at $10 to $20. NFS cgs are great places for boys to unwind after a day in the car. Dogs are welcome also. And they usually have room for a tent even on weekends. On weekends you should try to get to the cg before 2PM in CO, AZ or near large tourist areas.