wickedstang03 wrote:
My trailer has the dual 30 or 40lb tanks and both hooked to one regulator with a manual switch over switch... I guess my question is can I unhook the side not being drawn from and hook up another appliance outside while keeping the otherside hooked up and drawing propane to keep my fridge running without leaking propane?
Of course you can disconnect either tank at any time and not have any leakage through the unconnected fitting - after all, how would you otherwise take an empty tank to get it refilled? To allow this there is a check valve in each output leg of your dual tank regulator - when one tank is disconnected gas pressure inside the regulator prevents gas from flowing out through the disconnected fitting. Leaving one of these ACME Type 1 fittings disconnected for an extended period may only not be a good idea in that dirt would over time tend to collect inside the fitting but that can easily be solved with an
ACME Type 1 Threaded Plug.