Forum Discussion

scannon1967's avatar
Jan 04, 2018

Pull behind or Class C

We are considering putting all our belongings in storage and traveling and living in an RV for 6 months to a year. We are trying to determine what type of RV is best for us.

There is two of us. Myself and my son who is almost 11.

I can buy a new truck and pull behind for less than I can buy a used class C and I have the issue of needing to pull my car behind so that we can venture out when we get where we are going without having to unhook and take the C everywhere.

Any thoughts on a C vs. a pull behind? If so would love to hear them.
  • Aside from the points made above, the main consideration for us was: are we traveling or are we staying? A C is for traveling in our opinion. If we are staying somewhere we want the trailer. A trailer for me is not for moving every day or even every other day, a C is. For us, a C did not make sense if we are spending a week or more in one area. We want the extra room, comfort, and storage of a trailer.

    Of course a lot depends on how big a trailer you are talking about versus how big of a C. A big C will have more room than a small trailer, but for a set price you will get more space with a trailer.

    A $15000 C is going to be pretty old and a similar priced and sized trailer will be relatively new. The trailer will need a Tow vehicle and the C will need a vehicle to tow.
  • “We are considering...There is two of us. Myself and my son who is almost 11.”

    We? You and a ten year old? Travel during the summer. The CHILD needs to be in school.
  • Either way, you are towing something. You have the convenience of moving around while in transit in the "C", but your overall space is going to be smaller compared to the same length in a trailer. However, in a trailer you are limited to the inside of the tow vehicle, so not as convenient for passengers for bathroom visits or to grab a bag of potato chips.

    Trailer will afford more living space once you "get there". The "C" will give you better mobility while traveling.

    Considering the cost of insurances and vehicle regestrations, mechanical maintenance, and all that.... with the "C" you have 2 vehicles to maintain, 2 engines with oil changes, 2 engines for fuel fill ups, 2 engines for full insurances.

    With the trailer, you have only 1 engine, 2 license plate registrations, and overall insurance will be less. Something to think about?

    Personally, we own a travel trailer. We had (and still have) options for switching to a 5er, a Motor Home, an, A, B, or C. For our lifestyle, the travel trailer fits our lifestyle. Yours may be different. Jumping in without any previous experience may work OK for you, but then, you may end up hating your choice (which ever it is). Most of us "grow" into our chosen RV lifestyle, beginning with Tent Camping, Pop-Ups, and navigating through various RV styles. Many of us are no longer on our VERY first RV for LOTS of reasons, when the first choice did not work out.

    In your situation, you would be best to rent one of each and try a couple week-long trips. Then you'll have a better comparison before you invest a few thousand dollars into something you may not like at all.
  • If you are approaching this as a one time adventure, I would think Travel trailer and tow vehicle, only because you could choose a truck or SUV which would become a permanent driver, and minimize your losses by only having to resell a used TT.