Forum Discussion

darin338's avatar
Oct 15, 2013

Purchased new motorhome online, help with title questions


I recently purchased a used motorhome from an online auction site and am due to pickup the unit this coming week. I'm an armature at this, so I have a question.

The dealer who is a very small dealer who purchases repos and resells them requires payments in the form of guaranteed funds. Cash, Cashiers check, money order, etc.etc. Fine, so I ask him since this is guaranteed funds paid to you, I leave with the title. He stated no, it would be mailed to me within 10-30 days. ??? I asked why and he said cause you check has to clear. I stated it will be drawn on a local national bank and you can walk into the bank and cash it. He responded with something to the affect, "we are a busy dealership and do not have time to run to the bank, we deposit it and once it clears, we process your title.

My thought is since he just acquired this unit via auction, he is probably waiting for the title himself. Often those repo auctions, mail title to dealers. I asked if I can see the title when I pay and he hesitated and said, "let me see if we have it here, oh, yes, you can see it" and then he went on his diatribe about how dealers do not ever issues titles. Well, I'm thinking hello, I'm paying guaranteed cash, or cashiers check drawn on BOA which is 1/2 mile down the road from you.

should I proceed, or demand title in my hot little hand before I leave? I guess he has to transfer it to my name and all that? Since he's a dealer, it's probably not titled in his name yet?

Any advise is greatly appreciated here.
  • schlep1967 wrote:
    As long as you have a proper bill of sale you will be fine. You say he is an established dealer with a decent reputation. If you have a receipt and you know where to find him what is the problem? The title will be sent to you from the state with your information on it.

    Thanks, this is what I thought. Purcchased this unit off ebay and he's been selling there for about three years with good feedback. But you never know if they close up shop and leave dodge.
  • As long as you have a proper bill of sale you will be fine. You say he is an established dealer with a decent reputation. If you have a receipt and you know where to find him what is the problem? The title will be sent to you from the state with your information on it.
  • His statement makes no sense. What if you presented him with cash, which is exactly like a cashiers check. Run and don't look back. He doesn't have the title.
  • Call him and tell him you will stop by the bank on your way and bring cash. Have title in hand.
  • Scam,run fast and hope you have not given them any money. If you have, I feel so sad for you.
  • Personally, I would be real careful about a transaction you describe. Your giving him a guaranteed payment, he should be giving you a title. You also have to be sure there are no leins on the title, that it's free and clear from the instituation that was originally financing it.
    Once he's got your money, and you have no title or don't get one your only recourse may be the court system. In the meantime your without your money and your motorhome.
  • he's an established dealer, with a decent reputation. I just don't understand holding the title?
  • RUN THE OTHER WAY QUICK!!! no title, no money!! Buyer beware. Don't say anyone didn't warn you!! Sounds like he might be fron Nigeria.