tim1970 wrote:
I also have a hard time believing the GVWR comes out to a nice even number of exactly 10,000.
SoundGuy wrote:
Believe what you want but the reality is that GVWR isn't a number that "comes out" to anything ... it's a number assigned to each vehicle by the manufacturer as the maximum that vehicle should ever weigh under any circumstances.
Grit dog wrote:
Believe what you want but GVW is a rating assigned by the DOT or some govt organization based loosely on the general approved capability of a certain class of vehicle ...
The best answer I can give is talk to someone in person who is very well versed in truck capacities and has practical experince.
Well clearly that wouldn't be you :W ... GVW is the loaded weight of any given vehicle, whether a car, truck, trailer, etc, and will vary according to whatever may be loaded into the "vehicle" at any given time. GVWR is the weight
rating assigned to that vehicle by the manufacturer ... GVW under no circumstances should
ever exceed GVWR.
Good grief. :S