mowermech wrote:
"I don't have one, and have never had any problems".
"it is doubtful that the ice will expand enough at those temps to damage the hose".
While I definitely respect the words of he who lives in Montana, I gotta say that these answers are very debatable.
Just because you don't have a regulator(or never needed one) is not saying that you never will have a water line/connection malfunction due to high rv park water pressure (and I hope you never do); however, if you do, you'll sure wish that you had one. Like all insurance (which this is), you always hope you never need it, but always get it anyway.
Sustained upper 20* weather will definitely freeze up a hose filled with water. Don't ask me how I know. For just overnight stays, just simply disconnect it and drain it big deal.
Both of these questions have simple CYA answers. Why take a chance?