Forum Discussion

MJO21's avatar
Nov 25, 2013

Water hookup...

We are taking our first trip in our 5th wheel Thursday. We have a 2002 r-vision. Do i need a water pressure regulator? Will not be using my tanks, just going from the hose to the camper.

Also. The nights are supposed to be in the upper 20's. I assume I need to disconnect the outside hose from the camper?
  • My old Komfort TT has a built in water pressure regulator, so I used to not use the regulator that the dealership gave me, until I went to one CG with INSANE water pressure, which stretched out my hose. Actually ballooned it out on one side :S .. Now I always use one.
  • Water pressure regulator..get a good one and use.
    Unless you go to the same CG over and over you have no idea what the water pressure will/can be.

    Water hose.....when temps drop below freezing disconnect it. WHY have a problem when it's so easy to avoid.

    Not using your fresh water tank and pump?????
    What are you going to do when the CG water source isn't available because:
    CG power is pump/no water
    CG water line freezes....line broken
    CG shuts down water due to problems

    We always have water in tank......just in case.
  • Hi,

    Two types of RV'ers. Those who have had an overpressure water fault, and those who are waiting for that to occur.

    Get a good Watts pressure regulator, and use it.

    Pressure Regulators
  • "Do i need a water pressure regulator?"
    Maybe, maybe not. I don't have one, and have never had any problems. If the RV park you are in has VERY high water pressure, you may need one.

    "The nights are supposed to be in the upper 20's. I assume I need to disconnect the outside hose from the camper?"
    While perhaps not totally necessary (it is doubtful that the ice will expand enough at those temps to damage the hose), it is not a bad idea to disconnect and drain (if you are going to leave water in it, why bother to disconnect it?) the hose. Be sure there is enough water in the tank for nighttime needs.
    have fun.