Get a cat! Won't have mice problems at all. We have a cat. He's an indoor-outdoor cat. Fixed and declawed, but still loves to go outside the doggie door at the house and comes to sleep with us in the camper every night. We live in the country with corn and bean fields for neighbors. So we have critters. The cat brings home all kinds of stuff he's captured when he does his daily routine and leaves his little gifts at the front door of the camper (dead of course). (mice, chipmonks, moles, and sometimes some kind of unidentified mass of fur).
I've read that when cats do this, it's their attempt to feed their family. They bring back their prey for their families to consume after they tormented and played with it, till it finally dies of exhaustion. I will say, ever since we've had cats, we've never had any critters in the house or the camper.
Well, I kind of take that last statement back. Sometimes the cat will come back in the house carrying a poor little mouse in his mouth and the critter will still be alive. He'll bring it right to our feet and drop it! Poof! off goes the critter! Now the dog gets REAL excited and starts chasing the little critter. Of course, we're startled, the wife screams, I yank my feet off the floor and we all say ... oh ... here we go again! Furniture gets moved around, dog is going nuts, cat is hysterical, and finally the dog will recapture the traumatized animal. One bite and ... the critter is history! We take the critter out of the dogs mouth (tug of war if you can imagine this), and then deposit the dead thing into the trash dumpster! Can't leave it laying around too long. The dog will start rolling on it. I guess its an aphrodisiac for the dog! Get him ALL excited ... if you know what I mean!