Wade44 wrote:
rhagfo wrote:
Wade44 wrote:
StarkNaked wrote:
Here are the recommendations from the CDC for cleaning up after rodents.
CDC Cleaning up after rodents
Great LOL. Now his mice will be running around the RV 6" apart wearing little surgical masks while facing the possibility of being locked down by Dr Mauci.
Wow, that is a lot of work to cleanup! I wonder how people who live in the country survive with all the mice, squirrels, chipmunks and other rodents around.
We've always had a lot of cats running around. CDC? ROFLMAO. I had better start sterilizing barns and out buildings with flamethrowers. The urbanites crack me up. My wife gets madder than hell when I sneak into the kitchen to grab a cold one without taking off my boots that most likely have some manure on them......Ewwwwwww!
We definitely have a broad cross section of society on this forum, that's for sure!
I gotta give props to one mouse in particular though, a few years ago.
Always stored our TC in the shop. It was totally sealed to rodent intrusion except the electrical cord and little plastic door cutout I found out.
We don't have many rodents because we have a killer cat. So that helps. He keeps our place and the neighbors (10 ac total and half dozen buildings) about 95% mouse and rat free...if I could train him to hunt moles and mountain beavers I'd feed him lobster!
Prior to recognizing and rectifying this I found light evidence of invaders once spring. Just a few random turds....until I opened a small drawer we used as the spice rack. What I found was a completely eaten packet of powdered dressing mix and a drawer full of un-eaten goat feed!
This may not seem significant until I explain, the goat feed was in an attached side shop that only had mouse access up and over the wall and though the old location of the "eaves", up top. Total round trip travel distance from the feed to the camper drawer , including up and down the tight rope (power cord into the camper) was probably 100 yards! Idk how many pellets of feed a mouse can haul at once, but there was a good pound of feed in the drawer!!
I honestly would've given that mouse a pass if I caught him, just for his persistence. (And the fact that he was kind enough to not chew up anything, didn't p iss anywhere or mess anything up and frankly impressed the hell out of me!)